Co-constructing expertise that is inclusive of local knowledge

Towards housing improvement projects in Dakar, Canchungo, and Ouagadougou
By Aysegül Cankat, Halimatou Mama Awal, Olivier Moles, Dadjouari Lebrini, Soayouba Tiemtoré, Assane Coly, Zoé Vauquelin, Léa Teillet, Pauline Leporcq

Exploring the possibilities for the co-construction of expertise with local actors is a major challenge for setting up project-based processes of housing improvement that include local knowledge. This type of expertise involves taking into consideration the multitude of resources present on site, particularly those stemming from the experiences of inhabitants. This article presents three project situations in West Africa (in Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, and Burkina Faso), where tools for the production of shared knowledge have been mobilised: community savings, platforms for exchange, and collaborative mapping. The approaches undertaken aim, through the co-construction of knowledge, projects and actions, to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants and to promote the emancipation of the populations through autonomy of action. This work also demonstrates the potential for multi-country cooperative projects and the reflexivity of action-research.

  • architecture
  • collaborative mapping
  • co-construction
  • community cultures
  • community savings
  • shared expertise
  • action research
  • local know-how
  • Burkina Faso
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Senegal
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